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Washing instructions

Washing instructions Labels

Washing instructions Tags

Washing instructions labels indicate washing, drying, ironing, and other care instructions for wearables. These labels ensure the longevity and best appearance of products. In addition, these labels ensure that products are properly maintained by customers, thereby helping to maintain the quality of products.

Washing instructions labels are usually written using symbols. These icons indicate washing, drying, ironing and other care instructions for products. For example, the iron icon indicates that the products need to be ironed, while the wash icon indicates that the products need to be washed. These symbols ensure that the products are properly maintained and help maintain the quality of the products.

Washing instructions labels also indicate in writing the washing, drying, ironing and other care instructions of the products. These instructions ensure that the products are properly maintained and help maintain the quality of the products.

Description of product composition and care recommendations can be combined into a single satin label and printed. This reduces costs while also helping the manufacturer achieve their goals. In this way, the composition of the products and the care instructions are collected on a single label, keeping them within easy reach of customers.

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